The first exciting thing is that we've gotten six new computers equipped with Microsoft Office, media players, and PDF viewers for your use. We know that not all of you like using Mac computers, so we were finally able to get these PCs for your everyday use. The computers log in using your Blackboard login, but if you're not a USC student, we can help you get access. Also, another cool feature these computers have is a "shared desktop." That means you can start a paper at the Music Library, and when we close at 8:30 PM, you can go to Thomas Cooper Library's computer labs, log in there and finish the SAME paper! Cool, huh? You'll find these computers upstairs in the Music Library (3rd floor of the SOM), right at the top of the stairs.
The second thing we've been working on is our web pages. You'll now see a "Music Suggestions" box as well as a "Suggestions" box. The "Music Suggestions" go straight to the head librarian here at the Music Library. The other suggestions box comes automatically from Thomas Cooper Library, and anything put in that box goes to them. In addition to that, I've been working hard to clean up our special collections pages.
The third thing we've done is rearrange some things in the library. You'll now find tables with power strips in between the M and ML/MT stacks. We hope you'll bring your laptop, connect to the wifi, and take advantage of this space.
We've also gotten a MAJOR gift of CDs from a wonderful donor. This gift has doubled our CD collection. Once all the discs are processed, we'll have around 20,000 CDs for your listening pleasure!
As always, we're working to improve the library. We're currently hoping to get PCs to replace some of the audio equipment in our A/V carrels. More changes will come later this summer, but I can't give any details on that just yet.
In the meantime, if you need anything, just let one of us know. We're here to help.
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