Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today in Music History

Did you know that on today's date in 1967, the cover image for "St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was photographed?

Guess the collection

It's time once again to play "Guess the Special Collection!"
Here's today's image:

This is a tough one, as it comes from one of our newest collections. Leave your guesses in the comments!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Wondering what Easter-related materials we have here in the library? We have a lot! Click here to see what's in the catalog.

Interesting finds in listening

Over at Proper Discord, they wrote about a test to see if people could identify CD quality sound from compressed audio formats. I'm not giving away the answer, so you'll have to read it for yourself!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Book Collecting Contest

University Libraries Student Book Collecting Contest for 2010
Call for Entries
Submission deadline: March 31

Entries are invited from students currently enrolled at USC for the University
Libraries Student Book Collecting Award, carrying a first prize of $250. The
award is sponsored by the Thomas Cooper Society, which initiated it in 1993
to encourage beginning book collectors.

A list of previous winners and the topics of their collections is available at: http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/bookcoll/winners.html.

Entries should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on March 31 to:
Jeffrey Makala
Rare Books and Special Collections
University of South Carolina Libraries
Columbia, SC 29208
803) 777-0296

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Abigail Birling Masters Piano Recital

Come see Music Library student employee Abby Birling in recital!
From her facebook event:
Scarlatti: Three Sonatas
Mendelssohn: Fantasy in F-sharp minor
Ravel: Jeux d'eau
Schumann: Sonata in G minor

First recital in five years! Guaranteed better than ever before!
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: USC School of Music Recital Hall

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mystery Photo

This photograph is a part of one of our special collections. Can you guess which one?
Leave your guesses in the comments below.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Social Media in the Classroom

Call for Entries: SM in the Classroom

Social Media is changing the way we live, the way we do business and the way we connect. Nowhere is this more evident than on our college and university campuses. Yet there are unique challenges in incorporating these areas of emerging practices and technologies into an already established and tested curriculum.

How do you incorporate social media in the classroom? How do you ensure graduates continue to leave campuses media literate, and able to apply emerging lessons from social media in organizations today and tomorrow?

Tell us How You Incorporate Social Media in the Classroom and WIN!

* Be a featured panelist at the 2010 AEJMC Denver Conference, August 4-7!
* Showcase your skills in AEJMC News and on the AEJMC Website!

See more here.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

With Spring Break upon us, I thought I'd post something a little different.

I found this gem and thought I'd post it with the impending release of Tim Burton's new Alice in Wonderland.

It's from 1903, and is only eight of the 12 original minutes. It was the longest British film when made. The music is delightful and appropriate, in my opinion. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Card Catalog Events!

"It's All in the Cards: A Yearlong Celebration Commemorating the University Libraries Card Catalog"

Join the University of South Carolina Libraries as we bid farewell to our card catalog!

Flash (Card) Fiction Contest

March 19, 2010 deadline

Can an old library catalog card lead you to wax poetic? Write a song?
Create a short story?

If so, select one of the twelve library catalog cards for your inspiration. Any part or aspect of the card can be used--even the whole thing. And the more creative the better. Flash pieces, as the name suggests, must be very short. In this case, you may
use a maximum of 750 words. Learn more about the contest and submit
your entry from http://www.sc.edu/library/inthecards.html

Art Invitational

April 9, 2010 deadline

Calling all artists! Create library-inspired art in celebration of National Library Week, April 11-17. All types of art are encouraged.
Draw, paint, sculpt, weave, film, sew, build, etc. but use at least one catalog card.

Catalog cards are available in Thomas Cooper Library, 1322 Greene St.
Columbia, SC

Projects should be turned in to the Thomas Cooper Library Reference Department by Friday, April 9th to be included in the display in the library. You may also send photographs, YouTube links, etc to marilee@mailbox.sc.edu and we'll showcase them on the project website.

Visit http://www.sc.edu/library/inthecards.html to see all the events and the featured catalog card of the day.